One of our newer volunteers has shared a beautiful story about the friendships she's been building with three residents - relationships that have rebuilt her confidence and given her something to look forward to, just as much as the residents she spends time with. You can read part below, with the full story continued here on our blog ...
"I felt quite nervous before my first visit to the care home ... However, the lovely ladies I met on that first morning soon put me at ease.
I feel I have developed a particular rapport with three of the residents. On my first visit I met Betty. She had recently been in hospital and was unable to go home to live on her own. Betty had been taken away from everything familiar to her, including her home, community and friends. Understandably she was upset and confused, and had none of her own belongings with her. On that first visit Betty told me all about her situation, and during our weekly chats I have learnt quite a lot about her life. She often expresses anger and frustration at her situation, however, she also has a dry sense of humour, and has started to feel comfortable enough with me to tease me! I think it makes a difference to Betty to know that I listen to her and visit regularly. I was particularly touched when she told me that my visits give her hope.
The last four years in my paid employment have proved very challenging, and caused me to lose confidence and self-esteem. Volunteering and befriending the residents, and feeling that I can help, has helped me regain confidence.
I have never been particularly talkative, so I have surprised myself by chatting away with my lovely ladies! I think of them often during the week, and look forward to Thursday mornings." |